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Slowing Down in the Sales Process
Greetings from the Bright Idea Group! I am your sales coach Rob Lamb.
Today, I want to discuss slowing down in the sales process. This comes to you because of a client I have been working with. I have been listening to them make and take sales calls. I think this will apply to most new sales people, and will be a reminder for the experienced sales person. In fact, it may give you the opportunity to take a pause and reflect on your approach.
There are two sides to the sales process. The Customer’s and the sales person’s.
From the customer’s perspective:
Sometimes customers want to rush through the process. They have looked at it online, they have done the research, they may have tried a sample of the product, or they think they know the product, and just have one or two questions for you and then BAM! They want to purchase and get out of there. It is tempting to just to take the sale and go! That was Easy! But the sales person interested in building a relationship with the prospect will slow the process down. How do you do this? Ask questions. What are they going to do with the product or why do they want the service? Find a blind spot that they have not considered and maybe another product you offer would suit them better. It is up to you to know your product and understand your market. If you want additional help with understanding your market, reach out to the Bright Idea Group.
Now from the sales person’s perspective…
As the sales person, you, hopefully, have been given all the information about your product and who and how it can help or serve. (Traditionally this not the case, you are given limited information and sent out to “CLOSE SOME DEALS!”) Sometimes, you are given what the features and benefits, exact specifications, etc are for this product or line of products. And then what usually happens is the traditional sales process: build rapport, spew the features and benefits, close, close, close! Aside from how are you, they never single question about who, what, where, when, how, and why with regard to the customer’s need for the product or service?
Who referred them, or how did they hear about you?
Why does the customer want this product?
What got them interested in it. What do they know about the product or service? What kind of research have they done regarding it? What do they know about your competition if there is any? What are they going to do with it?
When do they want it?
Do they have any questions about the product or service?
When you ask questions, you slow the process down and can really get to know the prospect. You get the opportunity to offer something the internet cannot – a trusted advisor!
If you would like to become a client of the Bright Idea Group, we are available at 602-842-2333.
New Client Referrals
New Client Referrals
Greetings, welcome to The Bright Idea Group, my name is Rob Lamb, and I am your sales coach.
Today, I want to chat with you about getting referrals from new clients.
Many of us know referrals are one of the best ways to build your business. Getting a referral from a client is one of the greatest feelings you can get as a salesperson or business owner. What do you do to get more referrals?
Getting referrals.
In my experience, it is extremely important to lay a great foundation with your new customer and build a great relationship before the door could be opened for referrals. You do this by serving your client well! Then, ask!
Ask the client if you have served them well. Next, ask for the referral! I know it sounds easy when I say it, but it truly is – once you practice it. Just like anything else in sales, you should hone how you ask for the referral so it does not come out awkward.
So, you have asked and gotten a referral, now what?
Be sure to Thank the client who referred you! You should reach out to the referral right away! How you approach the referral is important. You do not want to be off putting or damage the relationship your new client has with your new referral! Again, practice your approach.
Not comfortable directly asking?
If you are not comfortable asking directly for the referral, what can you do? You might want to send a postcard to the client asking for the referral. There are good strategies for what to put on the postcard. You will want to get the attention of the client and call them into action and make the referral!
Well, that is a little on getting referrals!
I hope this has been helpful for you today. If you liked this BRIGHT IDEA and would like help honing your sales and relationship building skills to increase your sales, you can reach me directly. My phone is 602-842-2333 or you can email me, [email protected].
Be your best today, and HAPPY SELLING!
Using technology for relationship building
Greetings I am Rob Lamb, your Sales Coach with The Bright Idea Group,
Today, I want to talk about using technology to help you be more productive with your sales calls. One of my preferred methods of meeting with people is face to face, but sometimes that is not a possibility we are not able to meet with our clients face to face. Honestly, we all live very busy lives! So how should you handle this issue?
There are a variety of remedies to this situation. I once sold a life insurance policy while my client was 1 feet in the air working on a cell phone tower. I used face time to make the connection and was able to show him what was on my screen.
What to use?
While face time was the most convenient tool to use at the time, there are other resources that can be employed to make the contact personal and help build your relationship with the client. Some of these tools are gotomeeting, gotowebinar, or if you want to remain cell phone based and the other person doesn’t have an I-phone, you can use the Google Hangouts app.
Just tools.
Remember, these are just tools. These are not substitutes for building a relationship with you prospects and clients. They help you be available whenever and wherever your prospects and clients are available.
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To see how the Bright Idea Group can help you, your sales team, and your business, please give me a call at 602-842-2333 or fill out the Contact form at
Have a great week and Happy Selling!!